Searching in a wiki lists pages in that wiki but doesn't list matching pages located in other wikis.
To search for text in a wiki:
While viewing a wiki, click the Search (magnifying glass) button.
Enter a phrase in the search field.
As you type, the search performs a quick search, listing the top five matches of the current phrase. If you see the page you're looking for, select it. If you don't see the page you're looking for, press Enter to view the full list of search results.
To search for tags in a wiki:
While viewing a wiki, click the Search (magnifying glass) button.
If the Recent Tags list has a tag you want to search for, select it; if not, enter a phrase in the search field or select Recent Changes.
Selecting Recent Changes lists all wiki pages, blog posts, and mailing list entries in reverse chronological order.
Select tags under the Tags list or in the "Filter by Tag" list.
Every tag you select filters the search by that tag in addition to the currently applied tag filters. Deselecting a tag stops filtering by that tag.
To filter by content type:
While searching a wiki, under "Filter by Type," click the type of content to view.